Next Steps for Wolf Conservation and Management in Europe

20 MARCH 2024, 17:00– 18:30 (CEE)

The event will address the European Commission’s recent proposal to amend the protection status of wolves under the Bern Convention. Using the latest scientific insights, including the increases in wolf populations, the discussion will focus on the future of wolf conservation and management in Europe.

Alberto Arroyo Schnell
European Regional Office, IUCN

MEP Juan Ignacio Zoido, Vice-President of the Intergroup

MEP Elsi Katainen, Vice-President of the Intergroup

MEP Herbert Dorfmann,  Member of the Intergroup

MEP Thomas Waitz

Keynote speech
Humberto Delgado Rosa, Director for Biodiversity, DG Environment, European Commission

Panel Debate
Dr. John Linnell, Norwegian Institute for Nature Research
Luiz Suarez, WWF Spain

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