On-line course for commercialisation of cultural heritage


The MOOC (Massive Open Online Course) is divided into 4 modules and it has the objective to enhance the expertise of owners of historic houses in business development and digital skills. It deals with the development of skills related to communication and cultural heritage and improving the development, commercialisation, and promotion of tourism connected to cultural heritage. In order to do so, it offers both a theoretical part and some practical experiences that owners of historic houses are already carrying out.

The early bird access will open the 6th March, each module will require a week of work, for a total amount of 3-5 hours per week.

Once completed the course, you will be assigned a certificate of participation!

The participation to this early session will allow you to have priority access to the workshop that will take place in Brussels the next 23rd May to mark the end of the HERIT project.

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